Why Are Dedicated Capnography Masks Important? 

Capnography masks are used to detect the levels of CO₂ in the blood by measuring End-tidal Carbon Dioxide (EtCO₂). EtCO₂ is the level of CO₂ left at the end of an exhaled breath, reflecting the adequacy with which CO₂ is carried in the blood back to the lungs to be exhaled.

It is important to measure EtCO₂ for effective cardiac monitoring as well as monitoring of patients with acute respiratory distress. Capnography is also important as it can diagnose early respiratory depression and airway disorders, especially during sedation, and in intubated patients. Effective capnography can result in fewer serious complications.

If you would like to learn more about capnography specifically, you can visit our article "What is Capnography?"

How is End-Tidal CO₂ (EtCO₂) Measured During Capnography? 

During capnography, infrared light is absorbed by CO₂ particles. The amount of CO₂ present determines how much infrared is absorbed to indicate patients' breathing quality. In order to capture EtCO₂ readings, there needs to be an infrared source, a sampling chamber that allows infrared to pass through, and an infrared detector.

Once it has travelled into the sampling chamber, the infrared is absorbed by the CO₂ and the level left is measured by the infrared detector. The more CO₂ present, the more infrared is absorbed and therefore, the amount of infrared detected will be lower. Similarly, the lower the level of CO₂ in the sampling chamber, the higher the amount of infrared that will be detected.

In order for the CO₂ to reach the sampling chamber, the CO needs to be collected from the patient. This can be done with either a capnography mask or a nasal cannula.

You can find out more detail on EtCO₂ by visiting our article "What is EtCO₂?"

Accurate Sampling 

An essential part of all patient monitoring is ensuring the data collected is accurate. If an incorrect CO₂ sample is measured, it can result in an inaccurate capnogram reading and potentially mean the wrong diagnosis is given to a patient.

It is imperative that the sampling method used is fit for purpose. There are two main ways that this can be achieved, namely via a dedicated capnography mask or nasal cannula. Clinically speaking, neither type of sampling method is better than the other. Clinical preference, procedure or availability of equipment may determine which is chosen. 

Different Types of Sampling Lines

There are two main ways to collect CO2 samples. Clinically speaking, neither type of sampling method is better than the other. The reason one is chosen by a health care professional over the other is personal preference and patient requirements. 

Capnography Masks 

A capnography mask is designed to monitor a patient’s respiratory status whilst simultaneously providing supplementary oxygen.

It is recommended that gas analysis is as close to the mouth as possible. Due to the design of a capnography mask, samples are captured both nasally and orally, therefore enhancing both the strength and accuracy of EtCO₂ readings.  

Nasal Cannulas

A nasal cannula consists of a small flexible tube that is placed under the nose to provide oxygen whilst also capturing expired EtCO₂. They are often a good alternative for patients that cannot tolerate a capnography mask and are beneficial within an endoscopy setting. 

Recommended Use of Dedicated Capnography Masks 

In 2018, a study was conducted on how EtCO₂ waveforms can differ by varying monitoring techniques. The use of a dedicated capnography mask versus an improvised oxygen face mask was used to measure EtCO₂ levels of five spontaneously breathing patients.

The study found that the purpose-built capnography mask ‘demonstrated consistent EtCO₂ measurements for nose and mouth breathing while EtCO₂ measurements from an improvised face mask resulted in marked EtCO₂ level variability.’[1]

Capnography is important and required by guidance[2], but as demonstrated will provide maximum benefits to both clinicians and patients when used with dedicated fit for purpose equipment.

Capnomask™ is a medium concentration mask EtCO2 monitoring. It was designed alongside clinicians to enable accurate detection of EtCO2 and enhance patient safety. The high-performance Capnomask™ is impregnated with a subtle vanilla scent to help reduce post-operative nausea and vomiting. 

You can read more about the features and benefits of Capnomask™ here. 

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